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Tuesday Nights Darts - Star and Garter Falmouth

Tuesday Nights  Darts - Star and Garter Falmouth
Winter time darts league – a friendly bunch, but we can’t speak for the away teams though!

See our visit website and Facebook links for details
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FREE entry but please buy a drink or two

Date updated: 25/10/2022 - Expires on 26/01/2025

Owner Listing

  • Star and Garter - Falmouth
    Star and Garter - Falmouth

    Situated at the top of the historic Old High Street, the Star and Garter is one of Falmouth’s oldest Free houses. The Star and Garter is one of the older standing residential buildings in Falmouth. The property was built around 1800, and was the site of mercer and wine & spirit merchant until it became a public house in the 1870’s. Our bar has over 10 metres of windows on the seaward side giving spectacular panoramic views over the harbour, perfect for watching the sailing or just relaxing into the ever changing vista. In 2001 planning permission granted the building of a glazed 7ft cantilever extension along the 10 metre length of the property, opening up the seaward side and exposing it to a stunning 180 degree panoramic view of the harbour. Good honest wholesome food, all in sailor sized portions, all homemade on the premises using quality locally sourced ingredients. We usually have something going on, even if it’s just conversations from the outright silly to the philosophical! But as for organised entertainment here is a rough guide: First Sunday in the month - 9pm Me and the Devil with Steve, Morgan and Steve, a lively trio rockin’ the blues. Mondays – 9 pm Modern Jazz with the trio and guests. Always a varied line up – please check the falmusic website for the up to date list of guests. Tuesdays – Winter time darts league – a friendly bunch, but we can’t speak for the away teams though! Wednesdays – winter time euchre – a Cornish card league game, mostly harmless! We are proud to be the head quarters and starting point for the Falmouth Marine Band, the infamous marching band who are now in their 24th year. Sporting an ever changing colourful array of uniforms and most importantly entertaining the crowds with cannons, sillyness and a lack of musical ability, the much loved band raise thousands each year for local charities. It’s a great watering hole for both locals and visitors alike. So what are you waiting for - come up and see us sometime.


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